Congratulations for taking action and getting access to this software bundle!

Your download links are provided below…

Social Page Analyzer & Social Ad Creator

You can download both the Social Page Analyzer & Social Ad Creator software from the following page:

Here are the help videos for Social Page Analyzer:

Here are the help videos for the Social Ad Creator:


Audience Analyzer & Social Post Browser

You can download both the audience analyzer & social post browser from the following page:

Here are the help videos for Audience Analyzer:

Here are the help videos for Social Post Browser:


Fresh Title & Title Analyzer

You can download both the Fresh Title & Title Analyzer software from the following page:

Here are the help videos for fresh title:

Here are the help videos for the Title Analyzer:


Also, you can quickly get to the help videos by clicking the help button in any of the software located in the top main menu bar. It’s the button with the question mark in it “?”.

Please note the number of installs has already been set to 6 installs for all the software, and you simply need to use the email you just used to purchase to access to the downloads and register the software on your computer.

If you are having troubles installing the software, please refer to the help videos to see full instructions on how to install on both a pc and mac computer.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us here:


Thanks for your kind interest in our products,

Dave Guindon

Software Bundle Sale Special Offer
B.Eng., M.A.Sc. in Electrical Engineering Software Developer/Webmaster Online Marketing Entrepreneur
“Our growing family … Nothing can explain the feeling of having the financial freedom to provide my loving family with everything needed. All this done through learning and acting. Follow me and I’ll show you how!”
Dave Guindon
AppBreed Software

This website and product is part of the AppBreed brand owned by the company, Innantech Industries Incorporated. AppBreed software provides result-based internet marketing products, services, training and software applications designed to accelerate your ability to be successful online. copyright 2024 by AppBreed of Innantech Industries Inc.